Question. I'll be visiting from CA. in June and would like to know if an Chicago, Aurora & Elgin train will be running on either June 5 or 6th? I grew up in Berkeley, IL and was 12 when they stopped running. It would be a thrill to ride one more time on one of the cars. thanks in advance for the info. regards, Ed Gorman
#1 Ed Gorman on 2010-04-18 23:03
I do not have a firm answer for you, Ed, but have forwarded it to some of our CA&E project team. I hope to be on site that weekend, and if you can e mail me your schedule, I would be happy to greet you face to face and perhaps get you a peek under the tent - take a look at the restoration progress on the CA&E equipment. Bob Kutella
#1.1 Robert Kutella on 2010-04-19 05:18
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