My employer recently purchased one of the dry ice cleaning systems. Although very pricy they do an outstanding job. They definitely are a big time saver and I have seen older equipment looking like new. I could project it's use across almost all departments of the museum.
#1 Mark Becker on 2010-07-25 11:29
I witnessed over half of the demo trials they ran and did not come away with a positive impression. It was touted as being able to strip layers of paint without damaging wood - and it definitely CAN NOT. It was touted to be able to remove rust, paint, scale and dreck from steel parts and castings, sheet metal, etc. It CAN NOT. It does appear to be able to do a good job as a cleaner, but not much more than that. With dry ice at 50 cents per lb, this may not be the most economical application in our environment. The cabinet and controls do not appear to be robust, able to survive long with untrained volunteers and a lot of moving around. Bob Kutella
#1.1 Robert Kutella on 2010-07-26 05:54
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