I'm curious as to how the open car will be lettered. Will it appear as it did for it's original service in Vera Cruz? Will it be lettered for the Museum? Something else?
#1 Cliff McKay on 2010-10-04 07:30
For now the car is being spruced up, and will remain in the short term painted largely red. The roof has seen some patches and attention, and the seats are being refinished and repaired. I think the long term plan would include repainting it into the Vera Cruz yellow scheme. As now configured, my understanding is that the deck roof was done in Mexico when the car was converted to a single end car, and as a double ended car it had a turtle back roof without the monitor. Double ended would certainly be more flexible in our operations, but involve a major restoration effort. Bob Kutella
#1.1 Robert Kutella on 2010-10-04 08:46
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