Beautiful job on the cars guys. I could almost see my reflection in the shine, and that's on a monitor. But seriously she always looks good and this work is making her look even better.
#1 Ken Lindstrom on 2011-06-28 19:57
what is the status of the electroliner since the interior has been undergoing restoration and when might we see it out for revenue service again
#1.1 kevin on 2012-03-28 20:02
do u guys have a dome car for the zephyr?
#2 Brian.Vehrs on 2012-03-14 10:14
Is there any plan to get diaphrams for the zephyr? Just thought that would look nice. Hope to come out in 2012!
#3 Nick D. on 2012-03-19 19:14
Will anyone be working in any department April 12-15th? I'd like to volunteer.
#4 Nick D. on 2012-04-05 22:50
Sure thing, Nick. Diesel shop volunteers will be working on Saturday at the diesel shop (barn 2) so stop on by and check it out.
#4.1 Jeron G. on 2012-04-08 22:21
Hello again. I had an idea that was (somewhat rudely, mid-sentence) dismissed in talking to a museum volunteer a few years back, but here it goes again. Could some sort of long-term loan or trade possiblly be done to get the Zephyr power car, 9908, from the St. Louis Museum of Transpotration? Last I have heard is that it runs. It could be used as alternete power for the Nebraska Zephyr, and would be the only operating power car left, but with the articulated set, that'd be a sight to see. Even nicer than the Pioneer Zephyr over at the Museum of Science and Industry. It's just a thought.
#5 Nick D. on 2013-05-19 22:13
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