What is exactly the mechanical problems with ATSF 92 anyway?
#1 Alex Moon on 2012-02-23 15:03
There is a little freeze damage on the block, and it needs a couple power assemblies changed. A power assembly consists of the head, liner, piston, piston carrier and rod. However, we probably won't change the rod or carrier. The freeze damage hopefully isn't real severe, we're hoping to just remove a few assebmlies, do some weld repairs and put it back together. Its all based on the hydro tests though. There are other items as well... an IDAC module needs to go into it, and an air compressor, and a few other minor things. It'll get a thorough inspection as all this happens to make sure we get everything. There is no timeline of when this will start though.
#1.1 James Kolanowski on 2012-02-24 13:25
In lay-mens terms, it needs new pistons. But because of the more complicated workings of the diesel prime movers in a locomotive, it has a fancier name than I can remember right now.
#2 Mark Reimers on 2012-02-24 06:55
Im going to drive from California to the Chicago area in early July and staying for about 3 weeks. Im a big fan of FM units. Any chance the MILW 760 will be running while Im in town?
#3 Mark Johnson on 2012-05-17 13:13
Mark, Its hard to say if 760 will be running in early July. It will be for Diesel Days, but I can't answer yet if we'll have it ready sooner than that.
#3.1 James Kolanowski on 2012-05-18 12:03
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