Saturday was myself, Tom, Frank and Trackbolt (Frank's daughter). We split ourselves into two separate gangs for the day. Tom and I spent the full day out on the mainline cutting brush with the recently debugged Amtrak brush cutter while Frank and Emily did a bunch of smaller essential tasks. The day started out like most any other day. The cutter wouldn't start. Immediately thought it was a dead battery (now only 2 weeks old) so we attempted a jump but nothing. Turned out the 60A main breaker fuse was busticated so Frank made quick work getting the last two from Napa. With a new fuse she started right up given the 32deg temps. Ready to roll, Tom set the cutter on the rails at Central Ave and we rolled out to Karsten's crossing to continue where we last left off. Things went well for the first five minutes when a hydraulic line failed...Typical day. Thankfully we were not stuck on the mainline without a way back cause Frank was on the grounds and went through our stock of used hoses and ran the motorcar out to us with the correct hose! We were back up and running in 10 min flat. A new record I think! From then on out the cutter ran great and we finished the first "section" from Karsten's crossing to the big tree were the RoW runs next to a field and we don't need to cut the south side. Satisfied we ran the mower back to Karsten's crossing and started the other direction cutting through the curve. Low light came upon us far too quickly and we quit a few poles west of the crossing.
Frank and Emily not only saved the day (twice), but also replaced a heel block bolt on the East Station 1/2 switch and capped off the leaking line on the Model 50 Burro crane. I'm pretty sure the two of them had to travel to every hardware store in the county to find the correct fittings, but they did and until we can repair the cylinder we'll at least be left without a puddle of oil on the machine. Frank mentioned an issue with a wheel locking up on the Santa Fe truck. We'll need to send it to Dave D. in B&G to take a look at it.
Today I was out primarily to prepare for the Santa trains running the next two weekends. I cleaned the pockets on the 50th Ave/ West wye switch as well as the East/ West wye switch near Central Ave. Both locks on the switches on a shot of lub/ de-icer as well. The 50Ave switch got a little TLC and the switch ties are now spaced evenly and no longer crooked. Quick work with a lining bar. The mainline from East Switch to Seeman Rd, including Johnson Siding, was inspected and thankfully nothing major, pull aparts, were found. Julie, there will be a copy of the inspection sheet in your mailbox Saturday. I noted that the flange ways in Karsten's crossing were badly fouled so I cleaned them out. I think I've seen more derailments due to frozen crossings than anything and those CTA cars aren't that heavy. I finished the day with a cleaning out the bed of the Santa Fe truck and cleaning a few smudge pots for service next weekend. We have two pallets of kerosene switch heaters in the material yard so I found enough caps, wicks and pieces to get 6 put together. I was able to get 5 lit and working but I'll need to get another wick for the 6th. I dug them in and tested them out on the East/ West wye switch just after dark. They will be cool to use for the next couple weekends. I'm gonna try to be festive and get the two electric switch lanterns lit on the East Wye/ Yd 4 switch and the East/ West Wye switch lit as well. What's cooler than that...don't answer. Next Sat I plan a quick inspection of the mainline and get the pots and lanterns running and deal with any snow we'll have. Sayin 6-8 inches tonight for Union.
Adam Robillard
Thu, 03-06-2025 16:28
Yes, there is a wye. Those two have been MU'ed on diesel days a year or two ago.
Wed, 03-05-2025 14:04
7009 number boards look good. Is there a way to turn a locomotive around at IRM? In case you ever had a mind to connect 7009 and 6847?
Fri, 03-29-2024 21:26
We're slackers and spend more time working on the equipment in the shop than keeping all you readers updated. We'll work on it, but I'm sure updates [...]
Thu, 03-14-2024 08:02
What happened to the Department Blog? It's been over 2 years and I still regularly check for updates, but nothing comes...
Mon, 12-27-2021 16:28
Happy New Year to all the Departments at the Illinois railway Museum! Thanks for all the good work you do in railroad preservation. Ted Miles, [...]
Wed, 10-13-2021 13:33
Was the CB&Q 1309 every transported to IRM?I’ve been reading old issues of Rail&Wire and the car was mentioned several times.
Mon, 06-07-2021 22:40
I was wondering if in the model layout display what scale would you guys be using and would you be displaying model train history as well? Just [...]
Wed, 06-02-2021 17:27
Nice to see 428's cab back on. Looking forward to when it is operable!
Tue, 06-01-2021 16:47
I hope the work will continue on the UP #428. Now that they are the museum's connection to the national railroad network; she would be very [...]
Sat, 04-17-2021 23:07
What is the status of 126, the Milwaukee Buffet car that is in S. Dakota? Any guess on when or if it will get to IRM?
Wed, 04-14-2021 21:09
Perhaps it is time to scrap the remains of the c, B & Q 7128 to make room for the Villa Real. Ted miles, IRM member
Wed, 04-14-2021 15:26
Hi IRM my name is Jason and I was wonder If you guys would be willing to save a CN Dash8-40cm they are currently being retired by CN and being [...]