Thursday, December 31. 2015Diesel Shop update from 12/30On Wednesday, more work continued on UP 1848 and CB&Q 504. Dan C was out to the shop during the day to begin repairing and changing some rectifier modules that had failed on 1848 a few weeks ago when moving the coal trains in for storage. We had a number of parts in stock that we acquired from some other B40-8's that were being scrapped. Those modules were in great shape and were used to replace the two failed ones. He also made some repairs to the 504, disassembling, cleaning and reassembling the isolation switch which was getting very sticky in the cold weather. And repaired a couple broken wires on some contactor interlocks that was caused by a raccoon that had worked its way into the electrical cabinet. Jeron and I started working on the cab heat pipes of 504, removing some marman couplings, cleaning the pipes, clamps and rubber. To do this, we spend a while fixing the sandblasting cabinet, new media, screen protector, cleaning filters, etc. After getting the pipes and couplings together in the side sill, we opened the cab heat return valve at the expansion tank to charge the cab heat pipes. Everything underneath was in pretty good shape at this point. However, the firemans side heater had a number of issues. We spent a good amount of time removing three bad rubber hose couplings and one marman coupling. There isn't much clearance under the heater to get everything out easily without separating every connection. All those fittings were cleaned and everything is ready to go back together once new rubber and gaskets arrive. The brushes in the motor were stuck as well, so those were removed, one of which by having to take the entire motor apart. Cleaned those up and reassembled, now it's working great. A few other odds and ends, Jeron starting testing a bunch of radios we had in stock that were not working, but had no labels as to what was wrong with them. We'll see if we can make some good ones out of a few bad ones. We also tried out a new portable battery charger ARMS, Inc. It has a built in battery energizer as well. It is a very nice unit, and much easier to move around than the huge LaMarche units we have that really aren't mobile at all. Jeron located new sockets and a light shade to repair the ground lights the next time around. Hope everyone has a safe and Happy New Year! Tuesday, December 29. 2015
Holiday lights, Holiday trains, ... Posted by Roger Kramer
in Passenger Car Department at
Comments (0) Holiday lights, Holiday trains, Holiday decorations
Here is a pictorial about the Holiday Train event. IRM had a very successful Holiday Train event this year using for the first time, a diesel powered three CNW bilevel consist. This two weekend event was under the leadership of Paul Cronin, Coach department curator. It was so successful that we are increasing it to three December weekends in 2016. More planning is needed but already we are looking for volunteers to help expand our campus decorations. Anyone who likes to put up a Christmas tree and decorate it with all the lights and ornaments is invited to talk to Paul. We have a great opportunity to make Irm a beautiful 2016 Christmas wonderland! The possibilities are boundless! HO! HO! HO!
Looking West towards barn 9 as the Holiday Train moves out of the yard and onto the main line with the children and Santa Claus An interior view with a young family enjoying the train underneath the Christmas tree. Henry, you did a great job setting up the train. Now if we only had a building to house all those model trains. The new trolley buses were operating on the loop bring our guests from the parking lot to the Holiday train. This worked out real well. This gave our customers another ride while providing a warm environment. Sunday, December 27. 2015Steam Update December 2015
Another year draws to a close and there is a lot of activity in the steam shop. I had expected the day after Christmas to be fairly quiet but there was a good turnout and work proceeded on many fronts.
On #1630 we are progressing along what is now the standard plan for the Winter with the normal annual inspection work, which is substantially boiler focused, running in parallel with “catch up” work to improve the overall mechanical condition of the locomotive.
Aside from some smaller items, the major focus this Winter is on the valves. It has been apparent for some time that there is wear in the valves leading to lower efficiency and leakage that can be demonstrated when the valves are set in specific positions with steam applied. As with most backlog work, the initial hope that we could get away with a quicker and simpler repair has proved sadly misplaced!. Guess we should not be too surprised. When doing the initial stripping we found some tags set behind the valve chest nuts that indicate when last stripped for overhaul – SLSF Springfield shops 1947!. You really have to question the quality of the work when we have to do it again after only 68 years!!.
The findings so far are a mixture of good and bad news.
In parallel with the valve work, a lot of other tasks have been progressed.
On the Shay, work proceeds steadily.
On #428
On shop services, the large compressor is now fully plumbed in. As soon as we can get the power connected to it we can test and adjust it ready for the state inspection. With luck this will be ready when we want to rivet the smokebox of the Shay.
So a lot of activity but a whole lot more to be done if we are to be ready for running at the start of the season. So, Happy New Year to all and watch this space!.
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Fri, 03-29-2024 21:26
We're slackers and spend more time working on the equipment in the shop than keeping all you readers updated. We'll work on it, but I'm sure updates [...]
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Wed, 10-13-2021 13:33
Was the CB&Q 1309 every transported to IRM?I’ve been reading old issues of Rail&Wire and the car was mentioned several times.
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Wed, 06-02-2021 17:27
Nice to see 428's cab back on. Looking forward to when it is operable!
Tue, 06-01-2021 16:47
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Sat, 04-17-2021 23:07
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Wed, 04-14-2021 21:09
Perhaps it is time to scrap the remains of the c, B & Q 7128 to make room for the Villa Real. Ted miles, IRM member
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