Here's more developments on the Silver Pony restoration.
Last Sunday, April 3rd, Jeron Glander and Cody Ziarko met up in barn 11 to continue working on the Silver Pony. All pictures in this post are provided by Jeron.
They were testing parts of the 110 volt system and then began removing some seat frames to prepare for the replacement of the broken lower body windows later this year.
They were later joined by Brian Paterson of the Coach department and Ben M. from the Steam Department. When the Silver Pony was originally built, it used a motor generator system to supply 110 volt A/C to power the ceiling fluorescent light fixtures in both the passenger and bathroom areas. There are also 110 volt outlets located throughout the car for be used for the vacuum cleaner appliances. Remember, this was a first class car and cleaning standards were top notch. Cleanliness was the order of the day. Passengers expected that kind of service on these trains. Nonetheless, sometime
during its career with the DRG&W RR, the motor alternator was removed and replaced by a solid state inverter. This converts 32vDC into 110vAC. This solved a number of mechanical and electrical issues with the car. Jeron and Cody are in the process of locating a set of batteries to install under the car in the battery box so that the inverter will be able to function properly.
During the previous week Jeron removed all the old Alaska Railroad heralds and the GCRX reporting marks from both sides of the car. These were all vinyl decals, so a heat gun and plastic scraper made quick work of the removal process. Even this little change greatly improves the exterior appearance of the dome.By the end of the day on Sunday, all the seat cushion, seatbacks, and arm rests in the large coach section were removed from their frames and stored inside the car above the windows on the baggage racks. Yesterday, Jeron and Cody unbolted all the seat frames from their bases, then unbolted the bases and pedestals from the floor on one side. This gives easy excess to the window frames to ultimately install new gaskets and window glass. A lot of work is happening at a "Steady Trot," as Jeron explains it. Come on out and join the "Pony Team." Here, again is your chance to help bring this unique piece of railroad equipment back to operation.Jeron is working on the Pony in Barn 11 most Wednesdays and Saturdays! Come on out and view the progress and join the team!Yes, please don't forget to bring your check book! Or, for you modern folks, you can donate to the Silver Pony in the IRM OnLine store in incremnets of $25. I have visited this project a number of times in the last few weeks and I am personally impressed with the way Jeron and Cody have taken on this project! They are very focused and have a plan in writing on how, when and what to accomplish. Their ambition to complete this project should be commended. I support their efforts $ and hope that many of you will do the same as well!!
Anyone have this style of glass globe in their collection? We are looking for five of them for the dome lighting fixtures as well as the lower seating areas! They are about 18" long and about 6" wide. If you
have any Jeron and Cody would love to talk to you!
Thu, 03-06-2025 16:28
Yes, there is a wye. Those two have been MU'ed on diesel days a year or two ago.
Wed, 03-05-2025 14:04
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