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Sunday, September 15. 2013
Steam Department Update 09-14-2013 Posted by Nigel Bennett
in Steam Department at
Comments (3) Steam Department Update 09-14-2013
Work progressed steadily around some rather remarkable events in the steam shop.
I arrived Friday evening, ahead of the Board meeting to paint the back head ready to fit the fire hole door, to find the middle of the shop being set up as a left luggage office for a scene in the Transformers movie. Pity that I had not brought my camera that evening !.
Around the strange activities, I managed to do the painting and Dennis worked late, once they had finished, to complete a critical piece of welding. A few members of the shop team were around for the filming and, by mid-morning on Saturday, all the cases and other props were efficiently removed and we were back to normal (or whatever passes for normal in the steam shop!.
The switching for the film continues to provide views of the steam collection is unusual places.
Sadly I was not around to see 2903, 2050 and 265 pulled out into the open. They were back in barn 9, albeit not permanently as there is still a coach behind them, when I arrived on Saturday. The feedback from those involved in the switching suggests that the problem child was not 2050, as we had expected, but 2903. Despite concerns about the condition of her springs, the big N&W articulated apparently handled the curves and switches relatively well. 2903 apparently demonstrated in several places that the curvature was a good deal tighter than her long rigid wheelbase was intended to negotiate.
Everything continues to focus on what is necessary to get 1630 to steam testing.
· Effort was concentrated on lagging the firebox in the cab. This seemingly mundane activity is now recognized as critical. Even to test assembly of the super heater elements and valve chambers we need the throttle lever and other controls in place and steam / water tight. Since these are fitted on top of the lagging, this needs to be in place proto!.
A concerted effort by Rick, Collin, Ed and Phil achieved what we hope is the worst part of the job. An arch made up of 5 pieces of sheet metal runs from the footplate either side of the firebox across the top of firebox around the turret.
The pieces must be wriggled around pipes and the turret, little blocks of insulation squeezed under the sheet and the sheet metal joined by threaded rods.
Once the arch is completed in this
way, it is tensioned by tightening threaded rods that attach it to the
footplate. The arch must be completed
first as it secures the sections that are
formed around the corners of the firebox and these in turn secure the flat
sections on the back head itself.
was a really nasty job involving squeezing bits of metal, insulation, threaded
rods and small nuts into awkward crevices from confined spaces beside the
firebox and thru the cab roof.
guys achieved it and, by end of day the arch is pretty much complete and ready
to tension.
only known casualty was one of the cab windows that suffered a break the shape
of Collin's butt and is now in the wood shop for re-glazing!!.
· Work progressed on the boiler lagging. Eric has been concentrating on this and is becoming good at stitching the tapered blocks of insulation to the supporting wires. The first ring is now largely complete. The blocks are in place. We now need to finally secure them with banding, fill some to the small holes with insulating mud and then the sheet metal can be placed.
Jerry put in a lot of time during the week to ensure that all the sheet metal that was found last weekend is now painted and ready to fit.
· Ralph set out into the field to deal with the Koehring crane, that is used to load coal. It is really difficult to get coal into the high sided tender of 1630 with anything other than this old machine. So the fact that it has been unused since 2010 and not in regular use since 2005 was "a concern". Much to everyone's (including Ralph's) surprise and relief, it responded nicely to a well charged battery and some fresh gasoline and, in a few hours, not only was the motor running but he was able to test the operation of the boom and grab.
Jason and Collin worked on tightening the last
of the tube ends after beading and prossering.
As ever, the last two or three are always the worst. We preheated the water in the milk car so
that we could move quickly to pressure testing as soon as the work was
done. The process required a number of
cycles of bringing the boiler up to operating pressure, identifying the
remaining small leaks, carefully dropping the pressure, working the leaks and
then repeating. However, by late
afternoon the critical point was reached. We determined that the seal was good
enough to go forward to steam testing. So
the long process of refitting tubes is at an end.
This, and the excellent members' day BBQ, energized
the team and a lot of changes were apparent in a couple of hours in the late
evening. The gearbox, that has been a
feature of the smokebox for more than a year, is now gone and the smokebox is
wide open again.
Scaffolding was brought in to the
shop to provide the staging from which to install the super heater
elements. Feeling we were "on a
roll" despite the gathering darkness, a small group of us took the B&G
forklift out to the boxcar and fetched the elements for the top row into the
shop and set them onto the staging. We
are ready for a whole new activity next week.
So continued steady progress toward the steam test.
Sunday, September 15. 2013Open House - September 14, 2013The weather was nearly perfect for our Chicago Great Western X 38 open house. A large crowd had assembled by 1 PM and after a few adjustments and bugs were worked out we were off and running. Folks were in line and more coming in for almost two hours. Nearly 100 visitors (maybe more) climbed into the plow and most took a turn in the operators seat. The cost to them was only stuffing the donation can if they wished and the value to us of their smiles - PRICELESS. We received many compliments, questions, and positive reinforcement from the visitors to continue the work. Here are a few pics from Barbara Lanphier of those climbing into the plow. Special thanks to Barbara Lanphier, Linda Lanphier, Buzz Morisette, Kirk Warner, and Victor Humphreys for working on the crew, and presenting a personable and professional appearance and behavior for our visitors. And to avoid this becoming stale and old news, here is shot we saw on Friday afternoon of Tim Peters doing some last minute painting on the west end of Chicago Rapid Transit 1024. Much of this area has seen extensive work over the summer and it is almost back together with the gates and new cab window in place. The underside of the end roofs and the tack molding are painted a dark brown described as "90% cocoa" and you can see the carefully matched bronzy green on the corner posts and siding.
Friday, September 13. 2013
CGW X38 Update - September 11, 2013 Posted by Robert Kutella
in Chicago Great Western X 38 Russell Snow Plow at
Comments (0) CGW X38 Update - September 11, 2013The weather was not the best but the crew soldiered on through some periods of drizzle. Jim Leonard was up in the bucket truck and working under the front roof overhang. That surface was previously needlechipped and now it was more overhead work. Jim wirebrushed large ares of this steel in the morning. I bet his arms were hanging heavy by lunchtime. And Jim followed through on the job with prime painting up there. Nick Rindt finished needlechipping some more area on the right side plow wing, and that also got primed. Victor Humprheys painted some more finish gray in the cab cupola in the morning and here we see Buzz Morisette wrestling with the restored operators seat on the right side. Not much room to work up there, and not much room to stage a good photo. The seat is in, and most of the cab painted. Victor Humphreys is enjoying this setting as though they were ready to pull out for plow duty. Come out Saturday for our open house from 1-3 pm and place yourself in the spotlight. Paul Cronin and Kirk Warner tested the operation and both wings work. Paul and Kirk also did some blacksmith work by straightening a floor mounting plate for one of the flanger cylinder rods. We will close this entry with the last of the small diameter piping that had to be removed to allow the new windows to be installed. Here is a gauge branch tee, two sets of window defoggers, and the whistle valve and piping. |
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Thu, 03-06-2025 16:28
Yes, there is a wye. Those two have been MU'ed on diesel days a year or two ago.
Wed, 03-05-2025 14:04
7009 number boards look good. Is there a way to turn a locomotive around at IRM? In case you ever had a mind to connect 7009 and 6847?
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