It was a beautiful day this past Wednesday and the barn 3 parking lot was full of cars. We had a very productive work session. Here is just one days activities with 9 energized volunteers. Kudos to the following: Dan Bogus, Dan Bixler, Loraine Bixler, Paul Cronin, Austin Harvey, John McKelvey, Bob Olsen, Rick Serenda and myself. Not pictured but of first importance was the pressure washing of the passenger cars inside of the barn. Paul Cronin started this detail earlier in the day and you can definitely tell the difference. The washing of grime and dust off the equipment makes a world of difference on their appearance. The other major emphasis was placed on our operating Rock fleet. The two Rock Island coaches 2582 and 2571 that are going to be used for the first service of the year were worked on and made ready to our customers.
The majority of volunteers focused on 2612. Here are some scenes of progress from both interior and exterior vantage points.
We also did some house cleaning in the John Mcloughlin.
Jack Biesterfeld took some time and showed me his latest project in the BM 1094. And not to be out done, the Lake City finally got the globes installed in the Observation end and hallway. Thanks to John McKelvey and Dan Boguse for their efforts in finally installing the globes. Next thing we need is to install the missing Drum head sign and then the Lake City will look like it just came in from a run on the famous Milwaukee Road, Olympian.
BTW, John McKelvey took this picture of Dan and I. Would you like to see the Lake City operating on our main line this year? There is some talk about that possibility. Let's see what develops!! That's the wrap-up for just one single day in the coach department. Hopefully, next Wed will be just as productive! Please come out and join us. What do they say.....the more... the merrier..... With the Summer approaching, some of these projects need additional funding that the museum's budget can not afford. That is where you donations make a huge difference. The Lake City, BM1094 and the John Mcloughlin need more funding to continue with their restorations. Please consider helping. Thank You Roger
Thu, 03-06-2025 16:28
Yes, there is a wye. Those two have been MU'ed on diesel days a year or two ago.
Wed, 03-05-2025 14:04
7009 number boards look good. Is there a way to turn a locomotive around at IRM? In case you ever had a mind to connect 7009 and 6847?
Fri, 03-29-2024 21:26
We're slackers and spend more time working on the equipment in the shop than keeping all you readers updated. We'll work on it, but I'm sure updates [...]
Thu, 03-14-2024 08:02
What happened to the Department Blog? It's been over 2 years and I still regularly check for updates, but nothing comes...
Mon, 12-27-2021 16:28
Happy New Year to all the Departments at the Illinois railway Museum! Thanks for all the good work you do in railroad preservation. Ted Miles, [...]
Wed, 10-13-2021 13:33
Was the CB&Q 1309 every transported to IRM?I’ve been reading old issues of Rail&Wire and the car was mentioned several times.
Mon, 06-07-2021 22:40
I was wondering if in the model layout display what scale would you guys be using and would you be displaying model train history as well? Just [...]
Wed, 06-02-2021 17:27
Nice to see 428's cab back on. Looking forward to when it is operable!
Tue, 06-01-2021 16:47
I hope the work will continue on the UP #428. Now that they are the museum's connection to the national railroad network; she would be very [...]
Sat, 04-17-2021 23:07
What is the status of 126, the Milwaukee Buffet car that is in S. Dakota? Any guess on when or if it will get to IRM?
Wed, 04-14-2021 21:09
Perhaps it is time to scrap the remains of the c, B & Q 7128 to make room for the Villa Real. Ted miles, IRM member
Wed, 04-14-2021 15:26
Hi IRM my name is Jason and I was wonder If you guys would be willing to save a CN Dash8-40cm they are currently being retired by CN and being [...]