Another good day in the shop although I think most people were moving a bit slower due to the 90 degree temperatures.
Work on 1630 continued as planned:
· Despite the heat, Dennis put in many hours in the firebox and has now built up the inside face of the mud ring.
Now Mike has a lot of work to carefully drill the rivet holes thru the new weld, at which point the mud ring will be ready to receive the patch. This will be a slow and tricky job requiring the accurate drilling of small pilot holes that must be steadily enlarged as creating an accurate hole thru the weld is never easy;
· Work continued with Bob on the form 4. We now have a detail plot of all the measurement points and a few new ones marked up for the next UT testing session (hopefully 6/2);
· Several of us worked on completing the diagrams that Bob will need in support of the form 4 showing the location of each thickness measurement point on the particular boiler sheet. Boring work but at least it is good to see the book that will support the form 4 starting to come together;
· Part of Phil's extensive sand blasting effort was the dome cover as noted last week. Now we have the "after" view ready for inspection and testing
· We located a length of tube suitable for safe ending the super heater flues so now we can progress with this when resources are available;
· One unfortunate set back was that the piston rod of the McCabe flanger broke during test bending of steel for the patch. Several of us spent quite a bit of time checking the storage for a spare but this proves to be one of the parts for which we do not have a spare. The broken rod has been stripped out and sent for analysis. Once we have this a similar steel rod will be acquired and machined.
Phil did a solid day of sand blasting and, aside from the dome cover for 1630, also did all four of the axle boxes for 428 and the bolster for the Shay. This was quite an effort given the heat. Unfortunately one photograph I missed was Phil after working most of a hot day in a cloud of black dust. The trouble was that, like most of his sympathetic colleagues, I was too busy laughing and joking about his appearance to hold the camera!!. Sorry Phil.
The results of his efforts can be clearly seen on the bolster for the Shay. This now looks very different and, aside from the improved appearance, appears free of any cracks after detail inspection.
In other areas:
· Ed and Rick worked on setting up the rivet furnace to cast the new brickwork.
· Stu and Cameron continued work on the planer.
· Bob operated the water supply to provide treated water ready for Leviathan.
I will not be providing an update next week as I will be out of circulation for a hopefully minor operation.
Thu, 03-06-2025 16:28
Yes, there is a wye. Those two have been MU'ed on diesel days a year or two ago.
Wed, 03-05-2025 14:04
7009 number boards look good. Is there a way to turn a locomotive around at IRM? In case you ever had a mind to connect 7009 and 6847?
Fri, 03-29-2024 21:26
We're slackers and spend more time working on the equipment in the shop than keeping all you readers updated. We'll work on it, but I'm sure updates [...]
Thu, 03-14-2024 08:02
What happened to the Department Blog? It's been over 2 years and I still regularly check for updates, but nothing comes...
Mon, 12-27-2021 16:28
Happy New Year to all the Departments at the Illinois railway Museum! Thanks for all the good work you do in railroad preservation. Ted Miles, [...]
Wed, 10-13-2021 13:33
Was the CB&Q 1309 every transported to IRM?I’ve been reading old issues of Rail&Wire and the car was mentioned several times.
Mon, 06-07-2021 22:40
I was wondering if in the model layout display what scale would you guys be using and would you be displaying model train history as well? Just [...]
Wed, 06-02-2021 17:27
Nice to see 428's cab back on. Looking forward to when it is operable!
Tue, 06-01-2021 16:47
I hope the work will continue on the UP #428. Now that they are the museum's connection to the national railroad network; she would be very [...]
Sat, 04-17-2021 23:07
What is the status of 126, the Milwaukee Buffet car that is in S. Dakota? Any guess on when or if it will get to IRM?
Wed, 04-14-2021 21:09
Perhaps it is time to scrap the remains of the c, B & Q 7128 to make room for the Villa Real. Ted miles, IRM member
Wed, 04-14-2021 15:26
Hi IRM my name is Jason and I was wonder If you guys would be willing to save a CN Dash8-40cm they are currently being retired by CN and being [...]